User Research


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Issac – Eureka ! I found an excellent idea for creating a new journeling solution power with AI that would encourage users to write about their thoughts receiving suggestions for tasks with the help of AI.

Sounds exciting and annovative. But Hold on – What is the real problem are we solving? Who will be your target audience? What tasks do they need to accomplish? What are their preferences and habits? What are the pain points and challenges? What are their expectations from the product? How do they feel about existing solutions? Etc.

User research should ideally be performed throughout the product development lifecycle, from the initial stages of ideation and conceptualization to post-launch evaluation and iteration. Some of the stages when User Research is particularly valuable are Discovery Phase, Concept Validation, Design Iteration, Prototype Testing, Development Support, Pre-launch Testing & Post-launch Evaluation.

User Research should be performed primarily as a part of Discovery phase of a project. It’s crucial to ask questions that help uncover key insights about the users, their needs, and the context in which they will interact with the product or service which can act as one of your deciding factors towards success of a product. These questions can be explored through various research methods such as interviews, surveys, observations, and contextual inquiries to gain a comprehensive understanding of the users and their needs.

Issac works with his team to analyse questions that focus on the key areas of the product idea. He pivots on understanding –

  • Journal Industry
  • Demographics
  • Audience/ Personas
  • Journaling with Generative AI
  • Features that would enhance user adoption
  • Usability & User Experience
  • Purchase Intentions

Journeling Industry

In a recent research performed by Decipher Market Research company shared that individual use of dairies and planners for jounaling, goal-setting and routine building has risen since the pandemic as it promotes mental health and wellbeing. Journeling has always been an efficient way to manage stress and anxiety.

With the changing generations, usage of paper diaries has reduced significantly. Digital journal offers personalizations and customizations that encourages individuals to continuously express their thoughts. Having an interactive user interface and features available at the tip of their fingers insires them to continue the practice of journaling fostering a positive impacts on their minds.

Demand by Region in 2023 –

  • North America had the largest global Diaries & Planners market revenue share
  • The United States had the largest global Diaries & Planners market revenue share
  • Asia Pacific will witness the fastest growth in the global Diaries and planners market over the coming years.

Questionnaire for Audience

About JournalingHow do you currently approach journaling. What motivates you to keep a journal or diary, whether it’s for personal reflection, professional purposes, or other reasons?
About JournalingCan you describe the main challenges or obstacles you face in maintaining a consistent journaling practice
About journaling with AICan you describe the main challenges or obstacles you face in maintaining a consistent journaling practice, and how do you think AI assistance could help you overcome them?
About JournalingWhat do you find most challenging or time-consuming about maintaining a journal or diary?
Features to build a journalWhat specific features or functionalities would you like to see in a digital journaling product that could make the process easier or more enjoyable for you?
Features to build a journalAre there any particular types of journaling templates (e.g., gratitude journals, travel diaries, mood trackers) that you prefer or would like to see included in a journaling app?
Features to build a journalWhat methods or tools do you use to generate journaling prompts or tasks for yourself?
Features to build a journalWhat specific aspects of journaling are most important to you, such as goal setting, personal reflection, creativity, or tracking habits?
About journaling with AIHow open are you to receiving AI-generated prompts and suggestions for journal entries?
About journaling with AIWhat kind of prompts or tasks do you believe would be most helpful for achieving your journaling goals? For example, do you prefer reflective questions, creativity prompts, or specific goal-oriented tasks? Are you interested in AI-generated feedback on the quality and content of your journal entries, and how comfortable are you with AI assessing your activities/tasks?
About journaling with AIWhat are your long-term goals with journaling? How do you see a digital journaling product assisting you in achieving these goals?
About journaling with AIDo you have any concerns about data privacy or security when using an AI-driven journaling product, and what safeguards would you expect in place to protect your data?

By categorizing survey questions, researchers can ensure comprehensive coverage of relevant topics, identify any gaps in information, and analyze data more effectively to derive meaningful insights.

He gathers the responses to analyze them in order to identify patterns, themes & insights, highlight key takeaways, actionable recommendations and strategies the need ––3IX8MkD-xUV_rgN4/edit

In the next plan of action, Issac collaborates with stakeholders to develop product strategy based on the research findings and recommendations.

By following these steps, Issac not only effectively conducts user research but also ensures to understand need of a product idea to draw value from it.

Supposing is good, but finding out is better.

Mark Twain